Retaining walls can be a costly and time-consuming process. In this article we’ll explore the process of constructing a retaining wall, materials used, and building consent requirements for retaining walls in Auckland. In addition, we’ll also discuss the cost of a retaining wall in Auckland.
Construction of retaining walls
Whether you’re building a new retaining wall in Auckland, or you’re looking to improve your existing garden, you’ll find that there are several factors to consider. For starters, you need to make sure that you build a system for efficient drainage. New Zealand’s weather is extremely variable, and it can be costly to fail to prepare properly.
Next, you’ll need to consider the height of your wall. You can construct timber retaining walls to different heights. The indicative prices given below include the timber retaining wall built to a standard design. However, these prices do not include earthmoving, preparations prior to drilling, or any other services you might require.
If you’re building a retaining wall that will be more than 1.5 metres high, you will need to get building consent from your local council. You also need to make sure that you design the wall to comply with New Zealand building standards. You may also need to seek the advice of a structural engineer to design your retaining wall.
Materials used to construct retaining walls
Timber pole and rail retaining walls are an affordable option, and they look beautiful. They are an excellent choice for backyard gardens and commercial projects. These walls are used to bind sloping soil, often found in steep backyards and on hillside sites. These walls are an ideal solution for properties that need to maintain a specific slope gradient or for specific reasons.
Depending on your project, retaining walls can be made of concrete, timber, or brick. Timber is an excellent choice, as it is natural and low-maintenance, and will last almost two decades. When using timber, however, it is important to choose posts with proper water drainage. Rotted timber can weaken the structure of the wall, increasing the risk of partial collapse.
Stone is another popular material for retaining walls. This material is easy to work with and provides a beautiful, warm look. In addition, stone is non-combustible, so there is no risk of fire spreading. However, stone retaining walls are not as durable as brick masonry walls. They don’t require as much maintenance and are available in many different colours.
Cost of retaining walls in Auckland
Retaining walls can cost a lot, and there are many different factors to consider when choosing the right one. The cost of a timber retaining wall, for example, can vary from low to high. These prices, however, do not include preparation before drilling, earthmoving, or special requirements.
A timber or wooden retaining wall is a great way to make the most of the space around your property. Many kiwi properties are built on uneven sections, and a retaining wall can create both form and function. In addition to being functional, retaining walls are also an excellent way to add beauty to your home.
Timber retaining walls are the most cost-effective option for many home owners. A timber retaining wall can cost between $300-350 plus GST per meter squared. They are also easy to maintain. The first step is to measure the area where the wall will be built. A specialist Auckland company will be able to draw up a plan that is tailored to your needs.
Building consent requirements for retaining walls in Auckland
Retaining walls are a common feature of properties throughout Auckland. They help to prevent soil from spilling down the landscape, which could lead to water damage and soil erosion. Generally, building consent is not required for retaining walls if they are less than 1.5 metres in height. However, if the wall is taller or varies in height, it is important to seek building consent.
The Unitary Plan identifies properties in coastal erosion zones. There are also other requirements for building consent, including a number of documents. A building consent application must include relevant design documents to prove compliance with the New Zealand Building Code. Other requirements include assessment of Unit Titles, natural hazards and orange sections.
Building consent requirements for retaining walls Auckland vary depending on the location and type of retaining wall you are building. You should contact your local council to confirm the specific consent requirements for your project. You can also consult the Auckland Council’s handy ‘do I need a building consent’ tool to check the requirements of your particular case.