
Environmental education Directory New Zealand

We are concerned about the Lack of knowledge for our beautiful planet so please use this resource, we can not gaurantee that all of the resources listed here are stll available but all the contact details offered will assist you with your investigation into greater understanding of our environment, Its like a kind of Environmental weight loss programme for the planet.

The world is dying. Global warming is taking its toll. Everyone should be aware of the state the environment is in right now. We, the ones living on Earth, should be the ones who must take care of the planet. Without it, where can we stay and live? We may not feel the effects of our actions now but sooner or later, we’ll regret having neglected the world.

It’s not too late. We can still do something to save the world and save ourselves as well. Even a simple act of closing the faucet properly can help. By riding the bike instead of the car when you go to school or work could lessen the harmful gas emissions. When grocery shopping, make sure to buy all-natural products. Use your iconic coupon code to buy organic grocers instead of synthetic ones. Let’s do our part in caring for the environment.

This NZ National Directory of Environmental Health Education Resources is an outcome of a major interest in sustainable management of our environment. The Government’s Environment 2010 Strategy (September 1995) identified environmental education as an important means of encouraging responsible behaviour and enabling people to participate effectively in protecting and managing New Zealand’s natural and physical resources. This led to the production of the 1998 National Strategy for Environmental Education – Learning to Care for Our Environment.

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