

From Bill: Celebrating 8 Years Online This Month!
RE: Results Of My ‘DIY Solar Guide’ Product Test

Hey, Bill here. If you’re not one of my regular subscribers(opt in to my Newsletter above), let me quickly tell you a little about myself …and then I’ll show you how I managed to set up a complete Solar system with in 2 Weeks using a new Solar DIY Guide called the ‘Earth4Energy’

Ok… In my former life I was an Electrician for 18 years I have always been into up skilling in my industry and Actually served my 9000 HR Electrical apprenticeship on Alternative Energy Systems,I handled Solar panels, Inverters, Battery Banks, thru to Engine alternators so you could say I am an Expert in Alternative Energy Systems.

I now work from home of which is based on an Acre (4000 Sq Mtrs) of land from which I make my own Alternative Energy and have my own water source too, you could say I’m off the Grid, I now also make extra solar panels and sell them to other House Owners and even help them install their systems. Although my life is busy enough, some months I still have time to produce 3 – 5 panels a week earning up to $1500 extra cash, now thats not to bad of a sideline income especially when you consider that I spend most of my time now chasing around two hyperactive rug rats and managing my 4000 Sq Mtr lot!

Since I began my sideline Alternative Energy Business a few years ago as a additional income slash Interest, I’ve been through literally every emotion imaginable. Frustration… anger… jubilation; although the ‘frustration’ only lasted until I came across Earth4Energy Solar Guide. But prior to this Guide I was desperately trying to discover how to Build Professional Solar panels that really worked!

Eventually, and after a lot of searching, I did find and purchase Earth4Energy Solar and ever since then I haven’t looked back… and in the next few moments, I can hopefully advise you on how to do the same!

Here’s The Problem…

See, nowadays, trying to save money on every day bills that seem to spiral up is even more difficult than it used to be. There are so many new bills that just never exsisted 20 years ago (Cell Phone, Internet etc), couple this with less time and, you’re basically going round in circles….and potentially spending a lot of money if not all on basic living alone.

You are here because every other option is to exspensive (the biggest problem of all) you want to invest into Solar Information that is going to reduce your costs but you want to able to make a solid decision, one thats not going to waste Valuable cash or time for that matter. But there are many choices of DIY Solar Guides to wade thru and you cant afford to buy them all to get to the winner?

And this is the exact reason why a few weeks ago, (and after continually being asked to do so for 2 years!) I decided to strip down 6 of the most popular ‘Solar DIY solutions’ to see which ones actually work!

What Happened…

The truth was, 1/3 rd were total rubbish and a one could even be described as a ‘scam’. In fact, out of the 6 that I tested, only Three contained feasible ways of making professional Solar Panels simply. So after dropping the worst of the three choices remaining, we are left with these two Solar solutions the ‘Earth4Energy’ and ‘HomeMadeEnergy’ they both worked SO well, I managed to produce a solar Panel from each guide in just 3 days from. I even surprised myself!

Here’s an overview of both… and make sure you read my conclusion at the end…

Let’s begin with the new and exciting ‘Earth4Energy’ which reveals the secrets of how the author makes his own Solar Panels using a series of genial step by step guides and videos and some what crafty methods.

After initially checking out the site, it was immediately apparent that this solar product is for real. The proof you see on the website is entirely genuine and can be absolutely trusted just look for your self
I can totally back up the Authors Simple step by step Guide process and also a 60 day money back gaurantee goes along way to adding trust.

I had actually heard good things about Earth4Energy already and when I downloaded the system and arrived at the product delivery page, I kinda’ realized why…

You are greeted with 90 page ebook and 3 instructional videos that you need to follow in order to duplicate the success of so many others… with each one containing detailed instructions about what you need to do in a straight forward and step by step fashion. .

Unfortunately I can’t divulge very much about the exact nature of the material right here (I asked but was not allowed!)….. however, what I can and will tell you is this: It works!

The results were as good as what was claimed on the website ( in fact, they were as good if not better), over a 2 day period, l managed to Build 1 Professional working Solar Panel…

Not bad, I’m sure you’ll agree… and I’m now making them at the moment to muster up a bit of extra cash for a holiday my family and I are taking later on in the year.

The other thing I just want to mention is the two free bonuses you also get when you purchase this product.

These bonuses are perfect additions to your New Solar Guides.

1 Earth4Energy Video Series This is a $97 value but at the moment it’s included in the Earth4Energy kit for free!

2 Make A Wind Turbine! This is a $49 value but at the moment it’s included in the Earth4Energy kit for free!

This is great information that you can use immediately to help in the making of your Solar System…

Overall the ‘Earth4Energy product’ is a great purchase… the best out of the 6 products I tested and I recommend it.

Click Here To Find Out A Little More

…and you can see my conclusions below

The Conclusion…?
Well, after some deliberation, my conclusion is this: If you want to make some professional Solar Panels Simply and Efficiently then the Earth4Energy is certainly the one to go for they have great support and it is everything it says it is.
Don’t get me wrong, the Home Made energy techniques DO work and if you spent a little more time trying to implement everything then you can Build your Own Solar Panels & save money…. although I do think the reason why I personally was able to follow their guide was because I already have oodles of experience with Solar Power systems. You may not do?

So that’s it. If you want to save thousands of $$$ on set up costs (up to $10,000) and hundreds of Dollars of ongoing savings from your Annual power bill…, then go ahead and…

When I first saw the HomeMadeEnergy website, I must confess I thought ‘here we go…, yet another so-called Internet Guide promising unrealistic results’ …and usually I would’ve avoided this kinda’ thing like the plague..

How ever this guide had all the right fundamentals in place and if this is what you want then you will Achieve great results

However, because the whole point of my research was to end all speculation and to find the best ‘DIY Solar Guide’ on the net, I just went ahead and downloaded it.

In fact, I was pleasantly surprised.The mantra of the website is this: “I’m going to show you how I Build your Own solar power system saving thousands of $$$ on set up costs” ; and that’s pretty much what it does. The techniques are valid and the ideas do work.. and I only know this because I’ve seen them in use from my years in the electrical industry.The training program is great and abundant with diagrams and detailed video tutorials…. and you are also given helpful tools and Support to get you started.

If you follow these tutorials you will certainly achieve the desired results which are to Make your own Solar Power system cheaply?

Well, I tried this one out at the same time as the ‘earth4energy’, but because these methods were a little more on the complicated side and difficult to implement, I built it over a 3 day period (bear in mind I have Experiance on my side}.

Here’s the wrap up…

HomeMadeEnergy is a very popular product and for a good reason: it gives great instructions for building solar and wind generators and also batteries.

Although I recommend this product as well, the detail in the HomeMadeEnergy guide is not a match for the earth4Energy guide.

Earth4Energy is just on another level, although Home Made Energy is a fine product and you can’t go wrong with it.

I recommend it as a second Choice

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