Having the proper fall arrest systems in place at your place of business can greatly help you when it comes to working around the dangers that come with falling. These systems include full body harnesses, shock absorbers, lanyards, and self retracting lifelines. Choosing one that is right for your business can help you to save time, money, and avoid accidents.
Full-body harness
Choosing the right full body harness for fall arrest systems can make a big difference in a worker’s safety and well being. Harnesses come in a variety of sizes and features to suit different working environments and tasks.
The full body harness is the most important component of an active fall arrest system. Harnesses are required by OSHA and should meet ANSI/ASSE Z359.1 specifications for fall arrest applications. They should also meet the CSA standard.
A standard full body harness includes straps that run across the shoulders, the back, and the thighs. It also features snap hooks and double action, self-closing, self-locking snap hooks. These features help to ensure the harness remains securely fastened and adjusted to the user’s body.
The full body harness is also designed to distribute fall arrest forces over the body. It includes two or more D-rings for attaching the harness to other parts of a fall arrest system.
Self-retracting lifeline
Several industries, including construction, transportation, utilities and manufacturing, use self-retracting lifeline fall arrest systems. Self-retracting lifelines are designed to prevent workers from slipping or falling while performing construction work. They are usually installed on overhead anchor points.
In the early 20th century, workers used simple lanyards. These were bulky and heavy. However, over the years, technology has improved and many workers are now using retractable fall arrest systems. The most important thing to remember is that you should be sure to choose the right system.
The best way to determine what type of fall arrest system is right for your company is to work with a competent person. He or she will make the decision on your behalf and find the best options for your work.
Generally, fall arrest systems use lanyards to connect the harness to an anchor point. A fall arrest lanyard is composed of a wire rope or webbing strap. The lanyard should be able to support 5,000 pounds of dead weight when fully extended. Some lanyards also feature shock absorbers to reduce the force of a fall.
The anchor point is usually a structural member. It must be capable of supporting a static load of 5,000 pounds for each employee. A rigid rail system is also installed along the edge of a platform or roof.
Some systems use inertia reels and snap hooks to connect the harness to the anchor. Others use shock absorbing lanyards and connectors.
During the fall arrest process, the user is confined to a small area, usually a six-foot radius. This allows the worker to remain upright and avoid hitting the ground. The worker’s body harness is also connected to the anchor point.
Shock absorber
Often used with safety harnesses and fall protection systems, shock absorbers are a type of safety lanyard that reduces impact force on the body. When used in conjunction with an anchor point, a shock absorber lanyard will reduce the force of the fall and reduce the risk of stumbling.
Shock absorber lanyards are designed to limit the impact force to less than 1800 pounds and keep arresting forces to less than 900 pounds. The weight of the worker and the distance from the anchor point affect the effectiveness of the lanyard.
Shock absorber lanyards have a built-in woven inner core that expands during the fall and reduces the force of the fall. They are also available in different lengths, up to 6 feet.
General vs personal
Using a fall arrest system can prevent workers from getting hurt at heights. A proper fall restraint should be used by anyone working at heights of at least six feet. A fall arrest system is a must for any scaffolding or working at heights activity. Using a personal fall arrest system can be a life saver in the event of an emergency. Using the right fall restraint can prevent fatalities and injuries. The best fall restraints have been tested for safety and should meet the following standards.
The best way to determine which fall restraint is right for you is to consult with a trained professional. Some of the best fall restraints on the market are available for rent. If you have your own personal fall arrest system, be sure to test it out for yourself before deploying it in the field.